(You can’t always control circumstances … but you can cultivate the outcome!)
North Pike School District
Professional Development for K-5 Teachers and Assistants
Approximately 100 participants
Summit, Mississippi
Contact: Scott Hallmark, Assistant Superintendent
74 evaluation cards were collected. Teachers were asked to evaluate from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest possible rating.
By way of evaluation, participants were encouraged to finish the following open-ended sentence : “I would say this training . . .”
“… will aid me in all areas of my life.” “… was interesting and interactive.” “… has helped greatly.” “… Excellent!” “… was fun, entertaining, and useful for educators.” “… was fact-filled and interesting.” “… was interesting.” “… gave me information to improve listening skills that I could use every day.” “… was interesting.” “… made me more aware of my openness.” “… is interesting for developing listening skills.” “… Loved the ‘hands on’ parts.” “… changed the way I will respond to things.” “… has taught me new information.” “… was a fun way to start a Monday. Is most useful for upper to middle school educators.” “… was very thought-provoking.” “… was a fun and informative way to start the school year.” “… kept me curious and involved. The speaker taught me things about myself that I never thought about even considering that will help me achieve my goals in the classroom and within my own person self-care. Thank you for sharing.” “… was awesome! The end story/poem was my favorite part!” “… opened my eyes to being more observant of people and encouraged me to be a better listener.” “… gave me encouragement.”